Cohiba has introduced their first US made cigar, the limited edition Cohiba Serie M.
Handcrafted in the United States, the Serie M is rolled by master rollers at the El Titan de Bronze Cigar factory in the Little Havana neighborhood of Miami.
“Cohiba Serie M has been a passion project for all of us on the Cohiba team. To take a brand as iconic as Cohiba and make a cigar in the U.S. in collaboration with a boutique, family-owned factory has been an honor for all of us. Serie M gives a nod to our long-standing commitment to craftsmanship, our focus on innovation and alludes to the exciting releases that we are planning in the future,” said Sean Williams, Cohiba Brand Ambassador.
The new Serie M boasts a Nicaraguan Corojo wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder, and Nicaraguan Jalapa, Esteli and Dominican Piloto Cubano filler. The medium-to-full-bodied cigar will be limited to 50,000.